Thursday, December 02, 2004

happy holidays?

just last week i was feeling really down. as people all around me were preparing for the upcoming Christmas season, i was thinking of my personal struggles and people across the world who will not be having a merry christmas. thankfully for me, i have a wonderful support network and found myself feeling chipper and up to speed again quickly. today i have helped to decorate our church, made my apartment a little more festive, worked on some errands, and hummed carols while giving thanks for all of the provisions God makes for me. my friends and family have been amazing!

but in the midst of my joy, i was reminded that there are still many others who don't have these blessings - who are separated from family and friends (if they have any at all) - who don't have all the food, clothing, and shelter they need... i tend to think about these things all year round, but the sadness is greatly magnified when i see the celebration and abundance around me during the holidays.

these things don't steal my joy. i'm still thankful for all that i have. i believe that each and every one of us have hope and something to be thankful for. so i pray for those who are struggling, and have hope for them just as i do for myself when going through hard times.

my mom asked me recently what i wanted for christmas. after thinking for a little bit, i was able to come up with a few small things i would enjoy, but there is nothing that i really need (or won't be able to buy for myself soon). my life needs right now are bigger than any christmas present (school, rent, a better car, etcetera). i got back to her and let her know that the best christmas present i could think of was for others to volunteer time and/or money to an organization or person in need. i would get so much more out of that!

peace and joy!! patience and endurance!! love and mercy!!