Sunday, April 16, 2006

a day in the life...

day in my life? wow. about now, my days are crazy busy to say the least. let's see...


7 am wake up, say a short prayer, read if i'm disciplined enough, get ready for the day.

8 am two days a week i go to they gym. 3 days a week i meet a friend for Bible study and accountability.

9 am drive a fair distance to work.

10 to 4 work with one of 2 wonderful families that have many children (some w/disabilities). drive a fair distance home.

5 pm home for supper. change for school. do homework & study if i have time.

7 to 10:30 pm attend massage school (love it!).

11 pm home. crash into bed. say a short prayer. read if i can muster the strength and brain/will power.


saturday - bible study 9 - 11 am. school for internship shift from 12:30-6 pm.

sunday - school to receive a massage at 7:30 am (takes 2 hours. first come, first serve). church 11 to 1 pm. alcoholics anonymous 7 pm.

FREE TIME? a couple hours each friday, saturday, and sunday. these are !quickly! filled with friends, family, chiropractic appointments, and my work with the Invisible Children.

thank God that i love the many people and things keeping my life busy!

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