what a day/night/morning! they all kinda blur into one.
so, it's 7 am and i just got home. where to start the story telling? let's try 2 days ago. my sister and i meet for lunch, and she heads to a table full of people. i'm confused, thinking we should get the empty one right in front of us. as we approach, the people at the table turn around - it's my mom, step-dad, and lil bro (shawn) who surprised me by flying in from oklahoma!!
fast forward to last night - grad night. the ceremony was short and sweet. i had tons of family and friends around, including one of my best friends from high school that i haven't hung out with since... high school?!
afterwards, a bunch of my classmates, friends, and family members all headed to a house where most of us got on board an amazing party bus. loud music, empty jacuzzi that was great for dancing, and tons o crazy fun all the way to a couple party spots in scottsdale. i drank lots of red bull and socko, and we danced all night long. i got "talked to" for dancing on one of the tables. oops. :)
after 2 am, we went back to the house, chilled to lots of great music, had jacuzzi time, and talked till... well, just now.
Bible study in 2 hours, but at this point, i think a nap would just make me more groggy. this is the stuff memories are made of!
post-script: after writing my blog, i sat on the couch, fell asleep, and missed Bible study... doh!
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