Sunday, April 16, 2006

quick update

since the last time i posted here, much has happened. go figure. it's been a year.

i have read and re-read the following brief synopsis of the last year and am unsure of what i think. in the past i have been told that i am too open with people. i freely share my struggles. hopefully that doesn't come across as too negative. to be sure, God and the assurance found in Him is greater than any trial i (or anyone) could every face. so, please, read the frustrations detailed in the first paragraph with the knowledge that i didn't have at the time i was facing them - i made it through and am all the better for it. let's just pray i've learned some of these lessons well enough that i can move on, leaving these well behind.

i had a wonderful journey to arizona and made it safely,but the truck that i picked up in oregon broke down shortly after arriving. my purse was stolen. i discovered that full time work while going to school is not easy. i lost a job. my music was stolen. i lost my place to live (and the internet access that came with it). i had a very difficult time finding good fellowship and a church to attend. i realized that my struggle not to drink (and do the stupid things that come with unsobriety) is too difficult without help. i joined alcoholics anonymous.

that stuff out of the way, it has been a GREAT GREAT year!! i have made many wonderful new friends, reconnected with missed friends and family members, discovered that i love massage and can do well in school, have seen God provide for me when the going was rough, and am now working 2 jobs with families that i love. i have found the strength to be sober (what peace and joy!). i have found a wonderful church where i have grown spiritually. i have been used to help others struggling in this crazy thing called life. and i am finally back online. yippee!!! any questions?

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