Friday, June 22, 2018

Love Sandwich

Pieces of my life are challenging, but I never want to come across as complaining. I want to be open about the difficult things as well as the blessings, sharing hope and celebration more than anything.

Someone once suggested to me that children should be encouraged twice for every correction given, so they realize the potential for growth without feeling overwhelmed and discouraged.

Later, another person said that adults receive bad news better when shared in between good news. They called it a "love sandwich" - like wrapping difficult ideas in a hug.

I am thankful for all the people here in Puerto Rico who are working so hard at rebuilding since the hurricanes - individuals & communities who have weathered so much w/resiliency & strength, as as those who were not  personally affected , but have sacrificed and gone out of their way to help.

**Physical Illness**
I continue to feel random pain from the area of my right kidney, and now also feel pain that resembles a UTI. I've been trying to get into a urologist for over a week, but am having trouble with my new healthcare. I was assigned to a doctor's office that doesn't exist, showed up to an appointment at a new office, asked to come back later for a referral, returned another day and was told my information had disappeared. I will try again next week. Frustrating, but not an impossible situation. I'm mostly sad to be missing out on volunteer opportunities.

I'm incredibly thankful my new health insurance has covered 2 ER visits and medications (including pain meds). I try not to use the pain meds until the pain reaches a level that makes walking difficult, and that only been the case a handful of days over the last 2 weeks. I'm thankful to know I should be able to see a specialist soon, I have prayer and support from loved ones, and many other blessings in life. It may not seem like I am "thriving", but I am immensely grateful to be surviving - no longer overwhelmed with the desire to leave this life. I am now determined to fight for life (my own and the lives of others).

We may feel powerless against the darkness, pain, and suffering of this world, but every time we choose to move towards the Light, and let that Light shine through us, we help one another. In the moments when I feel week, I am thankful for the grace of God and strength of fellowship that can pull me through. In the moments when I feel strong, I am grateful for the potential of being used by God to help make a difference for others.

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