Friday, June 22, 2018

Why, "Waiting on Faith"?

WAIT: look forward expectantly
WAIT: be still & ready
WAIT: attend as a servant

There is a lot of talk about waiting on God. I love the idea of sitting quietly, surrounded by nature, and listening for a still, small voice to speak to me - but I can't live every day like that.

Waiting, for me, has also come to mean serving. When you go to a restaurant, do you want your waiter to sit and stare until you ask them for something or would you rather have someone make sure your needs are met - "wait" on you?

With all the uncertainties in life, I have tried stubbornly refusing to act until I had everything I thought I needed. No more! Now, I intend to live my life with both patient reflection and unstoppable, sacrificial action!

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